Polka Dots, Black Men and Top Hats

DSC_0014Anorak: F21+ / Pants: F21+ / Vee Neck Tee: La Quinta in Lima, Peru / Booties: Target / Tote: F21 

Black Man: Boise, Idaho


The record exchange in downtown Boise is probably one of the awesomest places there.


Also, this guy is wearing an actual cape and top hat. What the what?





Hello guys. It’s been a while since we’ve last chatted. Life is crazy busy (um, what should I expect for my junior year of college) and this blog hasn’t really made it to the top of my priority list in a while. BUT today I went to a fashion event with a bunch of local bloggers, which inspired me to finally post something on Eggs With Ketchup. So here it is! These are pictures from ages ago when I had my ombre. My bestie and I went to Idaho to visit her family. She showed me around downtown Boise, determined to show me how urban and cool her city is. The people, the graffiti, the shopping; it’s actually a great place to hang. Although, I’m still more of a San Fran and New York girl. Hope to see you soon!


Sarah Jeane