Blue Bangs



(No, they are not blue. But, my outfit is!)DSC_0016

Dress: Ross / Vest: DI / Belt: BYU Bookstore / Flats: Target / Earrings: F21 / Bracelet: No Idea…

Yeah, I totally stole this from my sister. Thanks, Mary!DSC_0041These earrings have become staples in my wardrobe. They have a cool vintage look and weigh practically nothing due to their hollow-ness. I hate when my earrings are too heavy.

My total outfit probably cost less than $60 because of all of the great deals that I got. Ahh how I love (and live off of) bargain shopping! 

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How have all of your holidays been? Lima with the family and friends has been awesome so far. I am so not ready to go back to school yet. My accounting 200 class is definitely not calling my name…


Sarah Jeane

Convertible Clothing

There are tons of Pinterest pictures, blog posts, and YouTube videos about skirts that you can wear as dresses. I’ve never really found a skirt that I could do this with until I was playing dress up right before bed the other day. I’ve had this maxi skirt for about a year now and I’ve always just worn it as is. Now I know how to mix it up! I am so excited to do a little more experimenting with my closet to find more convertible pieces (:

Skirt: Old Navy / Vest: DI / Booties: Old Navy / Belt: DI / Sunnies: Buffalo Exchange in San Francisco
What do you think of my skirt gone dress? Did you even notice that it was a skirt before I told you? Would you try to do this with any of your skirts hanging in your closets? Let me know in the comments!


Sarah Jeane